Make sure your Fiscal Year, Last Month in Fiscal Year, Conversion Month and Number of Periods are correct.
Enter Opening Balances
Is your chart of accounts complete? To review or change your chart of accounts, click this arrow:
Once your chart of accounts is complete, enter the balances of your accounts as of the beginning of your Conversion Month. (These are the same as the end of the month prior to Conversion Month.)
Before you can enter any transactions, your accounts must balance. That is, your assets must equal the sum of your liability and equity accounts. See Setting Up Your Company in the Getting Started booklet.
Complete General Ledger Setup
Your Company Information and Opening Balances must be set before you can set up receivables.
Linked Receivables Accounts
Link your receivables account and note which checking account you use for customer payments. If you take deposits, collect sales tax, give discounts or charge for late payments, link those accounts too.
As a timesaver, don't forget to enter default credit terms for your customer cards.
Historical Sales Invoices
You should enter your customer cards before recording historical sales. To zoom to the Card File, click this arrow:
Historical sales are those made prior to using Sales & Receivables that have a current balance due. The total of these sales must equal the balance of your linked receivables account before you can use Sales & Receivables.
Complete General Ledger Setup
Your Company Information and Opening Balances must be set before you can set up payables.
Linked Payables Accounts
Link your payables account and note which checking account you use for bill payments. If you send deposits to vendors, receive discounts or get charged for late payments, link those accounts too.
As a timesaver, don't forget to enter default credit terms for your vendor cards.
Historical Purchase Orders
You should enter your vendor cards before recording historical purchases. To zoom to the Card File, click this arrow:
Historical purchases are those made prior to using Purchases & Payables that have a current balance due. The total of these purchases must equal the balance of your linked payables account before you can use Purchases & Payables.